The first time for placing a high position to vocational education at the Central document in China

°lÑ•rég£º2010-03-15 17:31:48

The draft experts of "Plan", The Vice- President of Education Department in Beijing Mr. Wu Yan define that ¨C Youth Online - China Youth Daily 2010-03-15

    "Long-Term Education and the Reform of the State Development Plan" (Plan) a very prominent embodiment of vocational education in this part of the framework highlights the typical features. Those important features include reform and development tasks, the reform and development measures." On 9 March 2010, The draft experts of "Plan" Mr. Wu Yan, the Vice-President of Education Department in Beijing participated the function of "long-term education and the reform of the State Development Plan" (Plan) at the "2010 National Vocational Education Development Forum" that organized by the China Youth Daily. He also advised "Plan" is not only focused on the inside of education and also focus on the outside by jump out from inside out. "These features are fully reflected in vocational education."

    "Plan, emphasized the vocational education is unexpectedly important for the development of Education, Economic and Social in China." Mr. Wu introduced the Article 1 in Chapter VI that proposed "vigorously develop vocational education". It emphasized the vocational education is to promote economic development, improve employment and national livelihood, solve the issue of "three rural".

    "This is the first time for place a high position to vocational education at the Central document". Mr. Wu advised the content of vocational education of the "Plan", it included two points mentioned by Chinese Premier Mr. Wen which are: there are no any problems to how describe the blueprint of the development and how emphasize the importance in vocational education. "It's the most perfect expression in the "Plan" Mr. Wu said.

    "Plan" reflects the reform and development of vocational education is arduous tasks, which recommended seven suggestions for reform and development of vocational education. The seven suggestions for vocational education are: 1) reform training model; 2) construct "Double-master" for teachers as a basic strategy; 3) build infrastructures for essential training and practice; 4). clearly propose the basic educational standards; 5). provide quality assurance system; 6). responsible to achieve the requirements of Government, Social and other aspects; 7) provide "cooperative education, cooperation educate people, co-employment, cooperation and development" training for personnel and had a clear commitment to laws and regulations.

    Mr. Wu believes that in either secondary vocational education or higher vocational education, if they want to train skilled occupational groups for the development that is not an easy step. "This means is not easy to train skilled personnel by school itself, or the Ministry of Education, they cannot solve this problem." Wu Yan believes that the Ministry of Education cannot solve this problem, but the State Department can able to solve.

    Enterprises in the cooperative education in how to safeguard the interests, but also the need for regulations, provides not only for corporate responsibility, but also to protect the interests of enterprises. "From this point can also be said that this" Plan "is an unprecedented breakthrough in the reform." Wu Yan said.